On World Water Day, CUPE commits to end water injustice in Indigenous communities and to fight privatization of water and wastewater services.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Every year on March 21, CUPE marks the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
And every day, CUPE members across the country continue to confront ongoing racism in our union, communities and workplaces, including racial profiling and criminalization, Islamophobia, lack of employment and education opportunities, inadequate health care, precarious work, unequal access to public services, environmental racism and lack of basic human rights for migrant workers.
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, racism towards Asian, Black, Indigenous and other racialized communities has spiked. This spike is a pattern of refueled racism towards marginalized populations.
CUPE stands strong members experiencing racism. CUPE does not tolerate any harassing, racist and discriminatory remarks and acts of violence against anyone. Instead of division, we need global and local cooperation, and mutual aid.
CUPE embraces its members, neighbours and friends in this trying time, and re-affirms that unions play a vital role in fighting hatred and fear in Canada and around the world.
It is important for our members facing any form of racism, discrimination and or harassment to contact their local steward or executive member to file a complaint and or grievance. It is equally important for Locals to act promptly by listening to the member and by ensuring that the complaint is brought through the entire grievance process.
At the same time, March 21 is also a time to recognize the significant achievements of Black, Indigenous and racialized peoples in advancing equality and justice in our communities, our workplaces and our union. This includes our members whose activism has strengthened our movement by bringing new ideas, perspectives and energy into the struggles of working people.
On March 8, CUPE joins the world in celebrating International Women’s Day.
Across the globe and in Canada, women continue to face gender-based violence and barriers to decent work, resulting in lower incomes. They also continue to bear an unequally large share of unpaid caregiving responsibilities. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified these problems. For marginalized women, the impact of the pandemic has been even more disproportionate. Women who experience racism, homophobia, classism, ableism, transphobia and other forms of discrimination face particular challenges that must be addressed.
As we fight for women’s rights, we must recognize that all struggles for human rights and justice are interconnected. To achieve justice for all women, we must dismantle all forms of oppression faced by women.
This International Women’s Day, CUPE invites members to take action in the following ways:
Check out:
- CUPE’s Stop Workplace Sexual Violence guide and pamphlet to raise awareness, support survivors and challenge sexual violence.
- CUPE campaign resources on child care and health care.
- CUPE bargaining tools on harassment, domestic violence and other equity issues.
- CUPE’s violence prevention kit.
- CUPE’s fact sheets on Pronouns and Allies on Gender Diversity.
- Canadian Labour Congress #donewaiting women’s rights campaign.
- Campaign led by migrant workers at the Caregivers’ Action Centre.
- Global labour campaigns on gender-based violence at work and gender equality.
- The voice of women workers at the March 2021 session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.