Mobilization Committee
Description: The Mobilization and Education Committee works to build CUPE 2195 members engagement within the Local, and within CUPE Ontario and CUPE National, including working to build members’ capacity and awareness related to political action. Key areas of work for the Mobilization and Education Committee including
- Mobilizing CUPE 2195 Membership
- Partnering with the UEC to coordinate and facilitate CUPE 2195 Steward Retreats
- Recommending and facilitating training and education opportunities to the UEC and membership at large
- Planning of engagement and social events for the Local
- Supporting the management of Local 2195 communication tools
- Supporting the components of welcoming and orienting new members to Local 2195
- Linking to local, Provincial, and National CUPE education and political action campaigns.
The Mobilization and Education Committee shall be chaired by the Second Vice President and shall be composed of a minimum of two other members. Members are able to join this Committee by identifying their interest to the Chair and with the approval of the UEC.
Members: Johnny McKnight, Christine Castonguay, Michelle Doiron
Contact: John McKnight
Grievance Committee
Description: The Grievance Committee is tasked with deciding once the first two (2) steps of the grievance process has been exhausted, whether a grievance will move to the arbitration process. The decision whether to move to the arbitration process is decided by majority vote on the Committee, after a pros and cons discussion, where at least 3 members must be in attendance for a vote to be deemed valid. The Grievance Committee shall be chaired by the Chief Steward and shall be composed of a minimum of two other members to a maximum of five committee members (including the Chair). Members are able to join the Grievance Committee by identifying their interest to the Chief Steward and UEC
Members: Vanessa Alvarado, Scott Rickman, Christine Castonguay, Sergio Cacciotti
Contact: Vanessa Alvarado
Bargaining Committee
Description: This shall be a special ad hoc committee established at least six (6) months prior to the expiry of the Local’s Collective Agreement and automatically disbanded when a new Collective Agreement has been signed. The function of the Committee is to solicit input from the general membership, prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement. The Committee shall consist of the President, Chief Steward and two (2) other members, one of which will be the alternate, The President and Chief Steward together will appoint the other two members and will be subject to ratification at a General Membership meeting. The CUPE representative assigned to the Local shall act in a consultative capacity as an additional non-voting member of the Committee.
Members: Don Baker, TBD, TBD, TBD
Contact: Don Baker
Labour Management Committee
Description: The Union Team on the Labour Management Committee shall be composed of a minimum of two members: one being the President or First Vice President and the Chief Steward. The Team shall participate in Labour Management Committee meetings, make recommendations to the Union and to the Employer on matters of mutual concern, and fulfill the Union’s obligations as per the Terms of Reference of the Labour Management Committee in the Collective Agreement.
Members: Don Baker, Scott Rickman, Vanessa Alverado, Michelle Doiron
Contact: Don Baker
Bylaw Committee
Description: The Bylaw Committee shall be chaired by the Recording Secretary and shall be composed of a minimum of two other members, one of which is the Second Vice President. The Bylaw Committee facilitates the yearly review and re-confirmation of CUPE 2195 Bylaws: documented guidelines to protect the rights of members and ensure responsible administration of the Local including proper practices of standards and procedures. The yearly review of the Bylaws shall include facilitating open communication with the membership to request feedback and/or recommended changes, reviewing the CUPE Constitution and any recommended updates to CUPE bylaws from CUPE National, and following proper voting process to affirm any proposed changes or amendments. The Bylaw review process shall be conducted by the Bylaw Committee during the period of April to June, each calendar year.
Members: Michelle Doiron, John McKnight, Steven Boucher, Max Levesque
Contact: Michelle Doiron